
Class Lecture

The hallmark of education at TPIS is its unparallet teaching and learning pedagogy. we don't aim for convertional role learning, so our pedagogy is unique modeled. It's the mixture of classroom lectures, exercises,group presentations, written assignments, case studies and to a large extent will also depend on the module and will decide by the teacher.


Interactive session :

Interactive session are held to introduce concepts,issues and moderate the exchange of individual views.


Case Studies :

Case studies are an integral part of the learning experience at TPIS. They enable the learners to understand various situations and come to know how to tackle.


Presentations :

By working in small groups to develop and make presentations, participants experience the challenges associated with group responsibility, collective decision-marking and persuasive communication.


Presentations :

The prime objective is to identify and to explore student's abilities to the fullest. With the objective in mind, events like Quizzes, Debates and Group Decussion are organized to search the latent talent of the student sbusequently shape them as per competitive market requirement.


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